The shoemaker's children go barefoot, the mechanic's car never runs, and the designer's portfolio is seldom a complete picture of their ability — this site, and its many iterations is one of those.
Hi, I'm Zsolt [pronounced: ].
Over the past 14 years of being a creative professional I had the privilege to work with great people and companies all around the globe. Solving problems, making, and creating is my passion. I like to think of myself as a person who's greatest skill is to collect skills, then apply these in my pursuit for efficiency, quality, and craftsmanship. Most creatives are building their skills in a T shape — where there are a couple areas of smaller depth and one area that is deeper. I believe that in order to become a well versed creative, one needs to strive for the V shape — where you deepen new skills as the industry/world/environment around you changes.
Some of my skills and areas of interest/proficiency include (incomplete of course): user centric product design (UX/UI), online/offline graphic design, web design, type design and typography, front-end engineering, coding, branding, marketing, advertising, motion design, editing, sound design, concept design, industrial design, CAD, CAM, 3D printing, drafting, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, internet of things, languages, horology, model making, human psyche, philosophy, musical instruments, electric transportation, batteries, carpentry, woodworking, painting, drawing, calligraphy, caring for things — might as well just say — all things design, technology, engineering, intelectual, human... all things creative!
Always available for challenging and/or cool projects.